
Parameterized coherence measure

题目:Parameterized coherence measure

作者:费少明  教授(通讯作者)

简介:Quantifying coherence is an essential endeavor for both quantum mechanical foundations and quantum technologies. We present a bona fide

 measure of quantum coherence by utilizing the Tsallis relative operator $(\alpha, \beta)$-entropy. We first prove that the proposed coherence 

measure fulfills all the criteria of a well defined coherence measure, including the strong monotonicity in the resource theories of quantum coherence.

 We then study the ordering of the Tsallis relative operator $(\alpha, \beta)$-entropy of coherence, Tsallis relative $\alpha$-entropies of coherence, 

R\'{e}nyi $\alpha$-entropy of coherence and $l_{1}$ norm of coherence for both pure and mixed qubit states.This provides a new method for 

defining new coherence measure and entanglement measure, and also provides a new idea for further study of quantum coherence.
